Onboard your business today with a dedicated Relationship Manager.
High-net-worth individuals
And more
Trusted by 1,000+ visionary businesses
All assets on Bitslocker are held 1:1. We don’t use or lend your Cryptocurreny, ever.
Bitslocker‘s custody systems were built from the ground up to maximize security and minimize dependence on third parties.
Our client’s Cryptocurrency is safe and requires multiple signatures to authorize a transaction.
Bitslocker has achieved SOC 1 and 2 certifications for our thorough cybersecurity and information security management systems.
"Bitslocker stands out as a premier company for securely purchasing Cryptocurrency. It is one of the few platforms I feel confident purchCryptocurrency for myself and recommending it to my audience."
"Bitslocker custom set up accounts for my business and all four of my children. The website and mobile app are very easy to use. Thank you, Bitslocker for helping me grow Cryptocurrency holdings."